After the Matchmaker:


Amt, Emilie. Women's Lives in Medieval Europe.New York, Routledge:1993

Andre Burguiere and Francois Lebrun. "Priest, Prince and Family," The History of the Family, Cambridge: Belknap P, 1996, 2:127.

Anton, A. E. "'Handfasting' in Scotland." The Scottish Historical Review 37, no. 124 (October 1958): 89-102.

Brooke, Christopher N. L.  The Medieval Idea of Marriage.  Oxford:  Oxford UP, c1989.

Brundage, James A. Law, Sex, and Christian Society in Medieval Europe.  Chicago:  The University of Chicago Press, 1990.

Cohen, Esther and Elliot Horowitz. "In Search of the Sacred: Jews, Christians and Rituals of Marriage in the Later Middle Ages." Journal of Medieval and Renaissance Studies 20 (1990): 225-249.

Kraeling, op. cit., Papyrus 7, pp. 201 ff., Pls. VIIa, VIIb; Ginsberg, op. cit., 58-59.  Marriage contract of a former slave girl who is subject to paramoné, 420 B.C.

Pinard, Chris. Joining of Hands: Handfasting in Medieval and Modern Society. Joining of Hands: Handfasting in Medieval and Modern Society - Owlcation 

Porten, Bezalel.  Elephantine.